Building designs are frequently guided by standardized methods. While these methods are not necessarily flawed, they can lack optimisation potential.
A detailed examination of building operations through a simulation model helps us gain a comprehensive understanding of the thermal performance of buildings, enabling us to make well-founded decisions regarding architecture, building physics, and building services engineering.
We use dynamic thermal building performance and systems simulations, CFD simulations, as well as daylight and artificial light simulations to provide solid consultation for climate-resilient buildings with high energy efficiency and user comfort at optimised investment costs.
Our services
Indoor comfort optimisation regarding temperature, radiant heat, moisture and air circulation
Simulation-based assessment of indoor air quality
Whole-building simulations to optimise heating and cooling design loads with consideration for dynamic fluctuations
Building system simulations for performance optimisation in conjunction with building energy modelling
Testing and development of control strategies for technical building systems
Daylight simulations for enhanced daylight supply and visual comfort
Artificial light simulations for assessing lighting concepts
Airflow simulations to minimize draught risk and local discomfort, assess ventilation concepts and design of double skin facades
Climate resilience analysis for existing and planned buildings
Optimisation of commissioning and efficient building operation through comparison of simulation and monitoring results
Our memberships
Consult with
our expert
DI DI Dr. techn.
Georgios Gourlis
Head of Department Simulation
Tel.: +43 1 581 13 19 – 13
Mobile: +43 670 701 09 19