Home/Project/City Hall Baden

City Hall Baden

Climate fitness analysis of the listed town hall, Baden, Lower Austria 

Project scope Historically protected office building with approx. 4,000 m² gross floor area
Our services Action plan to ensure contemporary summer heat protection, building energy modelling
Contract duration 2022 until 2023
Owner / Developer Immobilien Baden AG
Architecture lottersberger messner architekten
Building system services Ing. Wolfgang Schulterer
Project scope Historically protected office building with approx. 4,000 m² gross floor area
Our services Action plan to ensure contemporary summer heat protection, building energy modelling
Contract duration 2022 until 2023
Owner / Developer Immobilien Baden AG
Architecture lottersberger messner architekten
Building system services Ing. Wolfgang Schulterer

The historic building is increasingly experiencing summer overheating. With the rising focus on climate-neutral buildings, a comprehensive approach to enhancing the building’s climate resilience will now be adopted, prioritizing passive solutions and potentially incorporating carefully selected technical cooling measures. 

In the initial phase, we assessed the building and site, then developed a set of optimisation measures to prepare the historical town hall for summer, aligning it with current standards. In the secondary phase, the effectiveness of these measures was evaluated with regards to their robustness in the face of climate change using building energy modelling and variant studies. 

A step-by-step action plan was developed that will serve as a quantified knowledge base for further decision-making. 

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